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2024 “Options Exist in Islam for How Disabled Can Pray.” Spiritually Speaking. Times Colonist.
2023 “Can Personal Suffering Lead to Joy and Hope?” Spiritually Speaking. Times Colonist.
2023 “Disabled Humanity: How Faith Points to Our True Dysfunction?” Spiritually Speaking. Times Colonist.
2023 Roots to Branches: Volume 1, Federation of BC Writers Press.
2022 ahvaz // aavaz // avaaz: an anthology of South Asian Poets, League of Canadian Poets.
2021 the way out is the way in: an anthology of disabled poets, League of Canadian Poets.
2019 Body and Soul: an anthology, Caitlin Press.
2017 It’s a Woman’s World: Six Perspectives, Vancouver Is Awesome.
2016 The Muslimah Who Fell to Earth: anthology of personal stories by Canadian Muslim Women, Mawenzi House.
2015 News flash, Mr. Harper: Muslim women can be strong. Stop speaking for us, National Observer.
2013 Emerge: The Writer’s Studio Anthology, Simon Fraser University.
2003 Desilicious: Sexy. Subersive. South Asian. Arsenal Pulp Press.
- Poet’s Corner: What Can Poets Teach Memoirists? Spiritual Life Writing (click for webinar). Moderated by Susan Scott with special guests Betsy Warland & Meharoona Ghani, hosted by Awakening Spirituality (2021)
- It Could Be Verse: Poetry for a Pandemic (click for video). Indian Summer Festival hosts virtual readings from poets around the world, Vancouver (2020)
- Writing the Spiritual: a conversation with Jen Currin, Betsy Warland, Jónína Kirton & Meharoona Ghani. Banyen Books & Sound, Vancouver (2019)
- Tiffin Talk: Writers in Conversation with moderator Shazia Hafiz Ramji & poets Jónína Kirton, Meharoona Ghani, and Brandi Bird, curator Yilin Wang. Indian Summer Festival, Vancouver (2019)
- Faith, Spirituality and Religion in conversation with moderator Betsy Warland & poets Meharoona Ghani, Hana Shafi, & Jennifer Zilm. Growing Room Festival, Vancouver (2019)
- The Poetry En(jam)bent. Growing Room Festival, Vancouver (2019)
- Body and Soul: Stories for Skeptics and Seekers, two book launches with moderator Susan Scott (editor) & readings from Sharon Bala, Betsy Warland, Meharoona Ghani, Amanda Leduc, Jónína Kirton, Dora Dueck, & Pam Johnson. Growing Room Festival & Vancouver Public Library (2019)
- The Muslimah Who Fell to Earth, book launch with moderator Ray Hsu, editor Saima Husain & readings from Meharoona Ghani, Azmina Kassam, & Carmen Taha Jarrah. Djavad Mowafaghian World Art Centre, SFU Goldcorp Centre for Arts, Vancouver, (2017)
- “The Finding” by Sheila Bistrow (composer), Meharoona Ghani (poet), Lynne McMurtry (mezzo-soprano), Alison d’Amato (piano). Art Song Lab: Playing with Fire, UBC (2014)
- “The Finding” by Roydon Tse (composer), Meharoona Ghani (poet), Phoebe MacRae (soprano), Marguerite Witvoet (piano). Art Song Lab: Playing with Fire, UBC (2014)
- TEDxEastVan, Vancouver (click for video)
- Impact – Six Patterns to Spread Your Social Innovation, The “Unlaunch” of Al Etmanski’s book (click for video)
- Vancouver Change Camp: Unconference (click for video)
- Storytelling Conference, Get Storied/Story U, San Francisco, CA
- Weaving Our Humanity: evening of storytelling, Center for Diversity and Innovation, North Vancouver
- Collective Impact Summit, Tamarack: an Institute for Community Engagement, Vancouver
- It’s All in the Mind: Book Mind Map workshop to organize content, Write Your Story Society
- Finding Unity in Comm-Unity, workshop using spoken word poetry to generate a conversation about unity, identity and connection, Skeena Diversity Society, Terrace
- Recite! The Power of Words, workshop finding voice through spoken word poetry, Grades 11 to 12, Ismaili Centre, Burnaby
- Belonging: are we there yet: the power of spoken word performance, Symposium: Masquerade, Masking and Multiculturalism in Canada, University of Winnipeg
- Publish or Perish: Is it Time to Take Your Story Public? with Susan Scott, hosted by Awakening Spirituality (click for video)
- Letters to Rumi: Artist in Residence, Centre for Studies on Religion and Society, University of Victoria (click for video)
- Writing: a Spiritual Journey, craft and conversation with Meharoona Ghani, Facebook live moderated and hosted by Traci Skuce (see her site here), Write Your Story Society (click for video)
- Closing Keynote Speaker: Global Conference on Disability & Islam (click for video)
- “Letters to Rumi”: in conversation with writer Glenn Deefholts (click for video)
- Take the Mic: storytelling of lived experience, Diversity and Inclusion Conference, Back in Motion, Coquitlam
- Beautiful Failures, Beautiful Dreams: PechKucha Night, Vancouver (click for video)
- Founder, Vancouver Pop-Up-Poets, spoken word poetry & performance on Vancouver streets (click for video)
- Writer’s International Network (Vancouver and Richmond) (click for video)